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Fake Page Alert! Call for funding opportunity not issued by the ZDA


According to an official statement from the Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) on their verified Facebook page, the Facebook page that advertised funding opportunities is fraudulent and not associated with ZDA. The public was further urged to disregard such promotions and to only access information about ZDA on their official website, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages.

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Verified Jul, 18 2023


On 26 June 2023, a link alleged to have been issued by the Zambia Development Agency, calling for applications for funding under the Investing in Diversified Economy-Led Growth Activity, was shared for verification through the iVerify Whatsapp tipline. The posting further indicated that the call for applications was to advance a more inclusive, diversified, and resilient private sector that drives sustainable wealth creation, in line with the ZDA’s multifaceted mandate of promoting and facilitating trade, investment and enterprise development in the country.

Rating Justification

iVerify Zambia has determined as false, the circulating call for funding under the Investing in Diversified Economy-Led Growth Activity purportedly issued by an alleged Zambia Developmnet Agency (ZDA) Facebook page on 26 June 2023 and 02 July 2023. In a statement issued by the official Zambia Development Agency Facebook page, the agency flagged the alleged ZDA Facebook page that issued the call for funding opportunity as fake. The agency further urged members of the public to disregard such promotions and only access information about ZDA from their official and established e-platforms, namely; the ZDA website, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages. The official ZDA website is http://www.zda.org.zm/.

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