I found something interesting in IVerify - No licence was granted to any business entity or individual to open a strip club in Lusaka.

No licence was granted to any business entity or individual to open a strip club in Lusaka.


Through a press statement issued by the Public Relations Manager, Chola Mwamba, Lusaka City Council (LCC) dispelled the allegations of opening a strip club in Lusaka at Lewanika Mall. The Council clarified that it had not issued such a license, adding that the they were guided by the laws of the country to regulate any form of business within the city. The Council further stated that no application was received from any business entity or individual to open a strip club.

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Verified Sep, 25 2023


On September 23, 2023, a Facebook page called Lusaka Central Constituency, posted a statement entitled, “LUSAKA STRIP CLUB – Coming Soon at Lewanika Mall, after Lusaka City Council awards license to a Lusaka businessman.” This attracted 417 comments and 312 shares on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0SUWcVVmom53z4UvC1BEVPWnvJp88J8cGEezJzYD7bEw9NQap66yvmRghMfzXaYZMl&id=100091131422240) . Various other social media pages also published similar claims. These incllude Ilyashi Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/ilyashi20/posts/pfbid03773wRQ1bzf9xQRf419DiKwMjHTgZgFTp2FpDFxtCBmnS8gyoXD6aCpPyQGRKhFul). This post that circulated attracted a lot of mixed feelings from the public. On a page called PF Cadre Network, on 24, September 2023, a statement alleged to be from the former Religious affairs minister, Rev Godfridah Sumaili, was published and addressed to Her Honor, the Vice President of Zambia, W.K Mutale Nalumango, to immediately cancel the license of the strip club. (https://www.facebook.com/PFCadreNetwork/posts/pfbid02oHB14nabirF8m87zhBC1VF5mA4eSSJNTpn8QL49PX6e8VLudVAb8Jt3nvWDmmQwul).

Rating Justification

The fact-checking process as False reports that Lusaka City Council (LCC) granted a licence to a businessman to open a strip club at Lewanika Mall in Lusaka. Through a press statement issued by the Public Relations Manager, Chola Mwamba on Monday, September 25, 2023, the Council dispelled the allegations that a businessman had been licensed to open a strip club in Lusaka’s Lewanika Mall. In the statement, the Council clarified that it had not issued such a license, adding that the they were guided by the laws of the country to regulate any form of business within the city. The Council further stated that no application was received from any business entity or individual to open a strip club. At Lewanika Mall, there are no developments or signage relating to the opening of a strip club.

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