On September 28th, 2021, a story was posted via the iVerify WhatsApp tipline claiming that political party cadres in Kabwe District were illegally collecting revenue in markets and bus stations. This story follows President Hakainde Hichilema’s official ban on political party cadres in markets and bus stations.
Rating Justification
The fact-checking process has determined as unproven the claim that political party cadres are illegally collecting revenue in markets and bus stations in Kabwe District. In an interview with the iVerify Factchecking Team, Kabwe Municipal Council Public Relations officer, Nancy Chenga stated that following President Hakainde Hichilema’s directive, the Council took over all of Kabwe’s markets and bus stations. Since then, the Council has received no complaints from the general public and has not recorded any illegal revenue collection. Council Revenue Collectors have been dispatched to all Kabwe markets and bus stations, while traders and bus operators have been advised to never pay money to anyone without a Council Identity Card. The iVerify Team also contacted Esther Katongo, the Zambia Police Service Spokesperson at the time of the report, and she stated that no official report on illegal money collection in Kabwe had been issued to the police, and that the police had not found or recorded any illegal money collection activity in any of the places the police had visited during their regular visits to Kabwe markets, bus stations, and other public places.