Media literacy tip: Facts vs. Opinions in Today’s Information Rush

Media literacy tip: Facts vs. Opinions in Today’s Information Rush


Sifting through the constant flow of information online and in news outlets can be overwhelming. Especially when it comes to major issues and breaking news (big stories), it’s crucial to be able to tell the difference between facts and opinions. Understanding the distinction is quite straightforward.

Verified Jul, 05 2024


Facts are the neutral and unbiased details that form the foundation of a story. A fact can be checked and backed up with evidence. In this case, research is done, facts and events are gathered, experts involved are interviewed, and then verified information is presented or delivered without any personal slant or opinion. This is what factual reporting looks like.
Conversely, opinions are shaped by the unique experiences and perspectives of the person or group sharing them. They often display bias as they fit one’s own experience. This can be anything from a news commentator expressing their views on a political event, to a simple comment within a larger article. Opinions can be influenced by various factors, from personal preferences to regional interests to commercial affiliations. The bottom line is opinions are a way of expressing a viewpoint.
By understanding the difference, you can become a more discerning information consumer. This critical thinking will help you avoid getting caught up in misinformation and, even worse, spreading it to others.

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Being Objective:
Being objective is important and certainly helps. You can address your own bias by asking yourself: Am I objective? Am I getting or giving all sides of the story? Have I checked all the facts -whether I personally agree or not?
So, the next time you’re scrolling through the information superhighway, remember to ask yourself that key question. Is it a fact, or is it just someone’s opinion? A little healthy scepticism goes a long way in today’s information age.
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